Forklift Equipment Practice

At 6:45 p.m. on March 21, 2019, an employee was working for a firm that manufactured converted paper products. He was pulling inventory for shipping. He was operating a forklift. He made a turn too quickly on the forklift. He struck a racking system. He suffered broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and shoulder injuries. He was hospitalized."
Operator Practice Drives Operator Proficiency
Forklift operator handling and familiarization sessions are crucial to training and developing safe forklift and other powered industrial truck operators.
At the conclusion of all formal training programs, our students are allocated time to operate the equipment to attain some operational experience and work out some of their butterflies prior to being placed into service.
This step is critical to helping employees attain a greater sense of confidence in the operation and handling of the equipment. Our clients are required to provide suitable space, time, and equipment to permit employees to practice their equipment handling skills.

Operator handling and driver familiarization should include the use of special attachments and putting the equipment through the full range of operations.
After completing this practice session, employees will be observed by the instructor in the final assessment of the employee's competence for safe and efficient behind-the-wheel fork truck and powered industrial truck operation and handling.
Too frequently most training providers, in a rush to keep their time on-site as short as possible, will allow each employee to complete a simple drive and then move onto the next operator.
This technique does nothing to support safe driver training and sets the organization up for future accidents, injuries, and potentially more serious outcomes.
No matter the training provider you select, never allow them, in the name of saving time, allow this shortcutting to safe employee training. Fork truck operator handling and familiarization is a critical skill development module in our training programs and is never cut short.​
Training Programs
New Forklift Operator Licensing
Forklift License Re-Certifications
Manager & Supervisor Safety Training
Service Programs